Why Your Artistry Business Needs a Professional MUA Chair

Surprise! We launched a new product. I mean, how could we not after the amount of chair-related searches and messages we were receiving. Introducing: Our professional MUA Chair. A functional and must-need chair for any freelance or mobile makeup artist.
Because picture this.
You're pulling up to your client's house.
You start setting up your kit and everything is laid out neatly.
You squeeze your primer and grab your sponge. Everything's all good to go.
You turn around to begin applying on your client's face.
And then you realise.
His / her face sits about 40cm below your natural height. Shock horror. 😱
For the rest of the hour, you're bending down to reach them.
And for the rest of the week, you've got yourself a sore back.
Solution: For your back health and sanity, make sure your client is sitting at the correct height.
This is where a Professional Makeup Artist / Director chair comes in handy. This beauty will lift your client up, popping them at the perfect height for a makeup application.
Not to mention the adjustable comfortable headrest for them to sit back and relax into.
Best of all: it's extremely transportable and collapses into something quite compact. Choose to purchase with or without the headrest.
Without headrest: RRP: A$159
With headrest: RRP: A$189
Shop our MUA Chair here and if you need any help at all, get in touch with us by emailing support@etoilecollective.com.au.
Lots of love,
The Team at Etoile Collective X